Teleos is the Greek word used in the Bible for perfection. However, it's meaning is much different than the dictionaries definition, "without flaw." The biblical definition is, "becoming all that you were created to be." That is what I am about, becoming all that I was created to be . . . TELEOS
Monday, September 28, 2009
New Adventure
Two weeks ago, Central launched a new service on Wednesday nights called Weekends on Wednesdays. It's really geared towards those people who work on the weekends (which is a lot of people in Las Vegas!)
What's really cool is that they asked me to lead worship for that service! So starting last week I began to lead and work with the team on Wednesday nights to really make that a great experience for anyone who is able to be there. My prayer is that this would not just be another service option for people, but that it would reach a whole new group of people that were not able to be a part of the weekend experience at Central.
The turnout and energy has been great so far, and I know God has big plans for this service and I'm so excited to be able to participate in it!
I will continue to be a part of the high school team at Central during the week as well as the weekends working with student teams to make that experience a great one for students in Las Vegas.
It's really an exciting time for Karyss, Ollie, and I!! We just wanted to give everyone a quick update!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Forgotten God
I know this isn't quite as easy a conversation as church production, but I know there are a lot of very different and very STRONG opinions and beliefs about the Holy Spirit out there and I would love to hear your thoughts/interpretations/experiences.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Interesting Conversation
The particular production we were talking about was the Hillsong song "With Everything." You can watch the youtube video here.
So . . . I would love to hear your thoughts. This production (lights, video, live video stuff) is obviously VERY involved, but I would love to know where you stand.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Organizing for Control vs. Growth
How true and difficult that statement is. I find that organizing for control is much easier than organizing for growth. In fact, that statement "organize for growth" is a little bit vague.
Control is easy. You run it, you call the shots, you are responsible for failures and successes, you do everything. It requires no leadership because you are DOING everything.
Growth is difficult. What does it look like to organize for growth? Is it a lack of control? Is it the opposite of organizing for control? Does it mean things are OUT of control? To be honest with you, I still don't really know. I believe that one of the elements of organizing for growth is trust. To release control, I must trust others to control. I must trust that other people will have the ability to carry out whatever I would normally do on my own. Organizing for growth requires an infinite amount of leadership. I will never be a good enough leader for my "organization" to cease growing and improving. If I stop growing as a leader, I believe whatever I am leading will also stop growing.
These are merely random thoughts that I am dealing with today. Anyone else have thoughts on how to organize for growth vs. control?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
long leave
karyss had a baby
he is amazing
his name is Oliver
we call him Ollie
got to take 2 wks off
it was amazing
he is now 5 wks old and the best thing that has ever happened to us
family/friends have been in town for 4 of 5 wks
it's been amazing
it's also been exhausting
We appreciate our parents now more than ever
I took a trip to LA to serve the homeless with Resonate
missed my family like crazy
but it was an amazing week!
we're still in Vegas
it's hot!
power bill is expensive . . . REALLY expensive
And now we are to today
caught back up
good friends again
it's like we never left each other
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
YouVersion 2.0
YouVersion 2.0 was released on Friday. This great resource from just continues to get better and better. Here are several links for more information.
Catalyst West | Perry Noble #2
I could probably write all night long about what Perry Noble said at Catalyst, but here was another great nugget that had immediate impact on my life.
Perry talked about the struggle of knowing what to do next when it comes to God's plan and vision for your life. The thing that I struggle with, and I think many of us do, is the unknown and what to do "next." I struggle with it so much that I overlook the NOW while I'm looking for the NEXT. I lose sight of the task at hand and the current vision that God has given me because I'm worried about choosing the right path for the next time.
I loved this quote: "Do what I've told you to do, then I'll tell you what to do." - GOD
Do what God has lain out before me now . . . then he'll tell me what to do next. Not only is this completely common sense, but it is also one of the most freeing concepts.
These past few months have been difficult for my wife and financially, they have for everyone. But I've spent so much time being consumed with how I can provide for my family that I lost sight of how God wanted to use me. Now, I need to be careful because I want to emphasize that I need to work my butt off to provide for my family, but I was letting that consume my life. I lost sight of what God wanted from me NOW because I was too concerned about LATER.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Catalyst West | Perry Noble #1
If there was one moment at Catalyst that stood out to me it was the second half of Perry Noble's talk at the end of the conference. He was talking about the size of the vision that we receive from God. He gave three reasons that we don't realize that vision in our lives. One of them stood out to me and has been ringing in my head ever since:
"I am obsessed with being noticed, not with being developed."
When he said that line I almost cringed. It was convicting thinking about how much time I've spent these past few months worrying more about people noticing what I'm doing than facilitating development in my life.
How much have I missed out on what God has for me because I'm more concerned about what God has for ME than who God wants me TO BE for him?
That is changing now . . . I can say that with honesty. These posts are actually part of my plan to facilitate growth and development in my spiritual life, along with reading every Andy Stanley book I can get my hands on! (more on Andy coming later)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Catalyst West Programming
Check it out here!

Catalyst West
There was a group of us from the student team that were able to go and be a part of the experience. One of the best parts of the entire week was just being able to hang out with those guys. There was no meeting agenda, event to promote, numbers to count, or services to plan. We were just able to relax, eat, hang out, and be led. Anyways, I'll leave it at that for now and continue to write about what I learned.
These posts are mostly for me to process and put on "paper" my thoughts, but I hope that they bring some insight and encouragement to anyone who may read them. Feel free to comment, ask questions, challenge my thinking, or add insight to what you may see or read.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
You know you're an adult when . . .
Here are the top ten signs that you are growing from "young adulthood" to just plain "adulthood"
10 - you get a cat because they are such little work, but still a sign of maturity (kinda)
9 - You get a dog of your own because you realize how boring and stupid cats are. You also think you are responsible enough for this, but not responsible enough for a kid.
8 - You get a Costco membership
7 - You use your costco membership to buy more than mac & cheese and soda (I'm talking the frozen chicken, fruit, toothpaste, movie tickets, make-up, gas for your car . . . as you all know, the list goes on)
6 - You spend more time going through the coupons in the news paper than actually shopping at the grocery store (but it's worth it!)
5 - You get excited about buying furniture for your house
4 - You get even more excited about buying furniture from a garage sale and talking the guy down to less than half of the original price
3 - Dave Ramsey becomes the 13th apostle and you follow his every word (because it works people!!)
2 - Having a kid becomes exciting and not AS scary as it used to be
1 - You stop talking about putting other people above yourself, and you actually start living that way.
Ok . . . maybe this is just my list, not everyone's (minus the cat, I would never in any situation agree to have a cat).
Anyone else feeling like they are growing up??
Friday, March 6, 2009
Summer Noise Project

CSM does a great job of breaking down the cultural walls between the students and the city by immersing the students in the culture in every way possible. Like I said, we will be staying in South Central and Watts, two heavily gang controlled neighborhoods. Also, every night the students will eat at a different ethnic restaurant . . . Thai, Indian, Ethiopian, Korean, and the list goes on.
It is obvious that CSM has two equal passions, the City/the students. I am so excited about seeing myself grow on this trip as well as seeing our students grow!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Single Ladies Vid
This one is much lower quality, but we showed it in our student environments. The girl who plays Beyonce is one of our high school leaders and the other people are the worship leaders from our 4 different student environments. The kids LOVED IT!! If you aren't familiar with the skit, it was an SNL spoof a few weeks back when Beyonce was the musical guest. Pretty funny stuff!
Monday, February 23, 2009
L2YL cont. . . .
Friday, February 20, 2009
Don't Stop Believing
I'm singing this song tonight at our High School reach event . . . pray for me!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
At Central, we have an amazing video team that is incredibly creative and very talented! If you haven't seen any of our videos, you gotta check them out . . . just check out Justin's Youtube page.
Anyways, we are in a relationship series . . . which always lead to some making fun of either guys or girl stereotypes. The video this weekend, titled "Listen to your Lady" is gonna rock the house. I don't want to give too much away because I have a feeling these three guys below me are going to be some memorable characters this weekend!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I'm a painting man!
I wish I had a camera to take pictures of the finished product, but it is still in repair at Best Buy (worst warranty ever!) It's been sent back 4 times with the same problem!!
That is besides the point . . . I feel fulfilled this week . . . I'm a painting man.
What projects have you been putting off for a long time that you need to FINISH?!?!
Monday, February 9, 2009
New Budget
Monday, January 19, 2009
I love to register!
Friday, January 16, 2009
5 year plan?
Friday, January 9, 2009
Elevation part tre
We were at UCYC in Prescott, AZ for three days. It was an awesome weekend for our students as we talked about what it meant to be a real man/woman of God. Some really powerful messages from our speakers and some incredible worship moments where our students were able to meet God in a real way.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Karyss and I have decided that our New Years Resolution every year is going to be a prayer. We did this two years ago and our prayer for 2007 was to be generous. In 2008 we somehow forgot to make the resolution . . . quite an interesting year for us anyways :) But now, in 2009, we have decided to once again make our resolution.
This year, our prayer is simple: GROWTH
In all aspects of our life, we are praying that we would grow. 2009 promises to be a year full of new experiences for us as individuals as well as a pair (and soon to be trio) of a family!!
- - -Just a quick update that everything is going really well with the pregnancy. We have decided to name our baby boy on the way Oliver Alexander Bollen. We'll call him Ollie!!