Well, the wife was in California this weekend babysitting the three boys she used to nanny for, and i was left at the house. I miss her a ton, but it was a nice relaxing weekend. Friday night I got to hang with the guys . . . which rocked. Saturday and Sunday were awesome because i got to sleep a lot!
Resonate went fairly well. I thought Matt Vairetta did an amazing job speaking (as he always does). Worship went ok . . . i still feel like there is a gap somewhere, like something is missing from our worship experiences that I can't quite put my finger on. The band always sounds great, but there is an attitude of worship and reverence that we are missing. I'm trying to figure out how to change that at Resonate. I'm going to spend some time tomorrow processing that a little bit . . . maybe I'll post some thoughts to see what ya'll think. If you do go to Resonate, comment and let me know what you think!
Gotta say having led worship for years most of the time it felt like something was strangely missing. Very few home runs were hit. The key is to keep coming to the plate. Try to put the ball into play. Consistently getting "on base" as a worship leader or as a worship team will bring fruit over the longer haul.
I actually think one of the most difficult things about ministry work (be it leading worship or preaching or leading a small group or whatever) is that we always have these incredible ideals about what it SHOULD be, but we have to live with how it really is.
So...my word of encouragement is keep guarding your first love, do your best to put together and lead meaningful times of worship, and leave the results to God. Your life is making a difference.
Hey there, Josh!
Strictly as a member of the ... well, it's not really audience-only in worship, is it? Anyway, as one of those NOT doing the worship leading, and seeing a lot of style change over the years I've been there, I really appreciate when there is time to mediate on the words of a song before we sing it. To me that's part of what helps me worship with my mind as well as my emotions. Having seen you lead worship only once (!!), I think you get this. But the congregation needs to understanding worshipping with "all" of you, too.
Don is right. Do not grow wearing in doing good, and keep working toward completion/perfection.
Thanks for the encouragement guys! It is easy to get discouraged, and I need those words of encouragement a lot! (especially when Karyss isn't in town to give them to me) :)
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